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Non-EU OECD Countries' Responses to the Bologna Process 

The second international conference of the BTC offered it's participants with an imternational perspective on various national reactions to the Bologna Process in particular and to the internationalization of higher education in general, and offered an insight to the possible Israeli reactions infront of the European Higher Education Area.


The conference included presentations from European and Israeli guests with a wide expertise and knowledge on the Bologna Process, and attracted great audience from among stake-holders in the Israeli higher education system, including management and administative staff, faculty and students from numerous Israeli colleges and universities. 
The conference provoked a vibrant discussion regarding Israel's place in the European Higher Education Area, and the international future of the Israeli higher education system, inlight of the international developments and the spread of the Bologna Process.  




Click on the photos to watch the different lectures

Prof. Sarah Guri-Rosenblit - Introductory Words  
Prof. Pavel Zgaga - The European Higher Education Area: Intra European or Global Strategy


The lecture's presentation


The connection between the Bologna Process, the globalization trend of higher education, and the European Higher Education Area.

Prof. Melita Kovacevic - Kaleidoscopic View of the Bologna Process


The lecture's presentation


The various affects of the Bologna Process on higher education systems


Prof. Paul Feigin - Internationalization in the Technion Israel Institute of Technology



on the Internationalization Projects of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology and it's strategic cooperation program with Cornell NYC. 

Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers - The Origins of the Bologna Process (in German)



The former education minister of Germany, and one of the signatory founders of the Sorbonne Declaration, reviews the deep processes that led to the foundation of the Bologna Process.


Bologna Training Center 2017©

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