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The TEMPUS-CORINTHIAM project brought together Palestinian and Israeli higher education institutions, including the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in order to develop a strategy of Internationalization at home that will guide the formulation of an International Relations Office and the better understanding of credit transfer obstacles between the European Higher Education Area and the Middle-East. 

Erasmus +Projects 
TEMPUS-DOIT​​ (2012-2015)


The BTC, in association with the Center for Excellence in Teaching in Ben-Gurion Univeristy of the Negev, participate in TEMPUS-DOIT project, which is being coordinated by the Gordon College of Education in Haifa. The project's objective is the promotion of Quality Teaching in a multi-cultural environment, and it brings together twenty higher education institutions and organizations from Europe, Georgia and Israel. 




Jean-Monnet Network- NEAR-EU (2016-ongoing)
Near-EU, coordinated by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,  is a global academic network, funded by the Jean Monnet programme of the European Commission. The project, officially launched in November 2016, aims to broaden the field of European integration studies by incorporating the domain of higher education in the research and activities of European study centres and departments of international affairs.The project will develop an inter-regional, collaborative academic space to enhance the study of European higher education policy and academic internationalization. The project intends to establish Bologna Resource Centers (BRC), for the study and research of European HE, within and outside Europe and to create a nexus among them. The BRCs will evolve into a network of prominent academic units in the field of European Studies and international affairs  in EU and non-European countries (Israel, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore) to further deepen the academic discourse on European HE policy and the EHEA. Capitalizing on their venues within National Jean Monnet Centers and leading European and international affairs research centers, the BRCs will be in a position to catalyze interest in European higher education policies and research, attracting academics and graduate students to the arena. 
Project Partners include: 
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
University of Piraeus (Greece)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Techniche University Darmstaat (Germany)
University of British Colombia (Canada)
University of Canterbury (New Zealand) 

Bologna Training Center 2017©

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