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Approaching Europe - Isarel and the Knowledge Based Society

BTC's 3rd Annual International Conference - Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem

​​Higher Education is taking on an increasingly prominent role in light of the transition towards knowledge based economies and societies around the world. In the last decade, Europe has developed and launched a strategy towards reaching its goal of establishing a vibrant knowledge-based economy and society. This policy has led to a surge in investment in higher education systems both in terms of infrastructure and research & development. The  underlying rational behind this policy is that higher education institutions should be considered as engines of growth for both economic and social development.


The goal of 2014's conference was to examine the European model and its various characteristics in order to shed light on this global process and explore the implications for the Israeli higher education system. In the absence of an articulated national policy towards the European Higher Education Area, the Israeli Higher Education system risks floundering as Israel's society and economy distance themselves from global trends. 


On the conference at UACES website

Bologna Training Center 2017©

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